How to plan an orgy? Orgies may be the stuff of legends but they can and do still happen today. They aren’t at all restricted to Roman times! Of course, it can be difficult knowing where to find one as in a lot of cases they tend to occur among groups of people who already know each other and who are already aware of one another’s inclinations in this regard. You can look for orgies online, of course, and meet up with different groups to see how things go – however, what you can also do is plan one yourself!
Before you do decide to go about planning an orgy. Make sure that you follow these simple guidelines to ensure that everyone has a good time.
Set the Venue
This one is obvious. An orgy is pretty much like any other kind of party. Except, of course, it involves a lot of sex (which is naturally the main event). So, you’re going to want to have the perfect venue. Bear in mind that “perfect” doesn’t necessarily have to mean spectacular: in essence, you need a space that is comfortable and that can fit a number of people who’re going to come. Having a lot of soft furnishings also helps – especially the likes of blankets and cushions.
Consider Who You’re Going to Invite
This should go without saying, but you’ll be surprised at the number of people who just invite anyone to their orgies – you need to consider the kind of politics that could be involved. Are there are a few jealous couples among your friend group? You may want to leave them out, depending on the kind of event it is (especially if it is a free-for-all!). And, speaking of free-for-alls…
Make Sure to Establish the Rules!
While a lot of people might scoff at the idea of rules, having them in this particular case is going to be a very useful – especially if there are people who will only do certain things (couples who may simply just want to be with one another and have sex in the same room as everyone else). Rules can ensure that everyone knows where they stand and that no one gets hurt.
Be Prepared!
And this means to be prepared in terms of food, drinks, and any other supplies your guests might (including tissues!). Condoms, sex toys etc. are all important things to have with you just in case anyone needs them. You can make the preparations as elaborate or as basic as you please – even encourage your guests to bring their own equipment if they want (though ask them to clean it beforehand!).
It is generally not advised to bring too many strangers to your orgy. Friends-of-friends may be fine, but any new faces will probably be people you’ll want to get to know beforehand. This is something that can take a bit of time so keep that in mind. However, if you prepare properly then you can all have a swinging great time!